Sunday, February 5, 2012

The to-do list

Well, I am getting closer to finishing my to-do list for the weekend.  I finally got my Christmas scrap album finished and I am well on the way to finishing the magazine article I need to submit.  It still needs a little tweaking but I'm getting there.  Today, I will work on my journaling.   I have been looking at some of the journaling sites and have found some wonderful prompts to act as a springboard.  In fact, it was almost information overload.  I finally decided to put them on my Pinterest journals and journaling board for future reference for me and any of my followers.

There was one blog I particularly liked as it broke down a 30 day project into individual days.  The blogger had creative page ideas in addition and I plan to incorporate some of them.  It's  She uses a mixed media approach which I think will be a great method to show my inner thoughts but also my crafting skills. 

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